Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Foux de fa fa.

Ello. I said hello like that because everyone thinks I am a German, and Germans say that. I know this because I am staying with a German guy now here in Paris. He is a couchsurfer like Andrew and I.

Paris is beautiful. I cannot say that enough. Its absurd.

Now I understand what all the rage is about. Today I entered Notre Dam and it was stunning. Paris is hands down the most incredible place I have seen in Europe. I have gotta make this quick! I am in an internet cafe a few blocks from the Mouilan Rouge, Paris is dope. We are meeting a Canadian named Sean in a few minutes! Until next time...

1 comment:

babymama said...

foux de fa fa...the funny thing about your writing that, annabelle has been singing it all week! she actually sings that exact silly little phrase in her two year old high pitched voice. it's pretty special.

just a little fyi